TX Democrat on Gun Reform: Don't Challenge Us on Civil Rights
I talked to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee about the historic gun reform sit-in led by House Democrats at the Capitol. Washington, DC: The...

Should Suspected Terrorists Be Able to Buy Guns? Republicans Respond.
On the night of the gun reform sit-in by House Democrats, I ask Republicans if suspected terrorists should be able to buy guns....

TN Congressman Thinks Gun Violence Only a Problem of Terrorism
Interview with U.S. Congressman Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN 3) during the gun reform sit-in by House Democrats. Washington, DC: the Capitol...

Congressman Pretends Not to Know Why Democrats Were Protesting
The night of the Democratic sit-in on gun reform, I talked to OH Congressman Bob Gibbs (R-OH7), who pretended not to know about the No...

Nancy Pelosi #NoBillNoBreak Press Conference
Full coverage of Nancy Pelosi's press conference yesterday morning announcing the sit-in by House Democrats to force a vote on gun reform...

Benghazi Committee Chair Won't Say Suspected Terrorists Shouldn't Be Able to Buy Guns
During the gun reform sit-in by House Democrats, I ask Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC 4) if he agrees with No-Fly/No-Buy legislation that would...

Senator: Despite Penis Brag, Trump's a Social Conservative
At the Faith & Freedom Coalition conference this morning, I asked Sen. Jeff Sessions whether or not Donald J. Trump is a good role...

Consumer Attorney Debunks Arbitration Opt-out Clauses
Consumer attorney Vildan Teske after the "Reforming the Ripoff Clause: Why Access to Justice Matters for Accountability and the Economy"...

Lawmaker on Puerto Rico: Hedge Funds Squeezing Blood from a Stone
Rep. Nydia Velazquez talks about the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Puerto Rico at the hands of Wall Street hedge funds, at the launch...

Keith Ellison Makes the Case for a Financial Transaction Tax
Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN5) argues for a financial transaction tax at the launch of #TakeOnWallSt, a campaign led by Americans for...